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Golf Superfan, Graeme Kirkland, CIM, & Investment Partner of the Toronto Golf and Travel Show cant wait for the show to begin!

“I love golf and many of my clients love golf—it’s a way of life for me and that’s why I am proud to be the Official Investment Partner of the Toronto Golf & Travel Show,” says Graeme R. Kirkland, CIM, Senior Investment Advisor with Argosy Securities Inc. “I love being outdoors with the trees and the birds and love the competitive challenge of competing against myself and trying to better my game. It’s also a great way to strengthen relationships or develop new friendships.”

You can feel his passion as Graeme lovingly talks about golf and jokingly describes himself as being “golf crazy”. He adds: “With persistence and tenacity you can get into ‘the zone’ as a golfer, everything around you is wonderful. When you are not in ‘the zone’, you are just out there enjoying the day, and everything is still wonderful.”

Graeme was introduced to the game of golf when he was about nine years old, and he and a childhood friend signed up to be golf caddies at the Weston Golf & Country Club. “I caddied for people like Tom Woodall and saw some very high level of golf being played. I wasn’t good enough to play at that age, so I quit playing for 15 years and took up golf again as an adult. Recently I started taking some lessons with a coach and my game has really improved.”

While Graeme says he quit playing golf for a time, it wasn’t because he didn’t love the game, it’s because as a young adult he travelled the country as a professional musician and played drums on several Juno-award winning albums. Discovering golf again as an adult is something that has given him great pleasure, along with a bit of frustration.

“Golf can be frustrating at times, but what good in life doesn’t require sacrifice, persistence and a little blood, sweat and tears?” he asks. “Golf can be a beautiful thing and I think many golfers get a real high from playing. I like playing at clubs all over Ontario and have played golf in the Dominican, Jamaica, Bahamas and other countries. I am also involved as a sponsor and sponsor many charity golf tournaments as well as being a three-year sponsor of the Canadian Junior Golf Association.”

Graeme is a full service, pro-active professional Investment Advisor who provides personal and customized advice for clients. His comprehensive approach to overall financial health is founded on many years of experience in integrated wealth management and full-service investment and portfolio management with some of the leading Bay Street firms and Senior Investment Professionals. He’s been in the investment industry since 2001.

Asked to describe how he can help clients, Graeme answers: “I am in the business of money and helping people grow their wealth. I manage funds ranging from 250K to $5 million and up. I work with primarily blue-chip focused investments. My job is to help my clients become financially stronger so they can enjoy life more– and have more time to play golf! Not all my clients like golf; some prefer to spend their spare time riding their motorcycles, walking trails and enjoying global travel. I take pride in treating my clients with dignity and honesty so they can live a full life with greater freedom to fulfill their dreams.”

Graeme’s work and golf go hand in hand for his clients, he says. “Money and golf are related—it’s great for clients to have the money to be able buy equipment and to travel and explore different golf courses.”

Months before the show, Graeme is like a kid waiting for Christmas; bursting with excitement about the upcoming Golf Town Toronto Golf & Travel Show which is happening from February 2-4th at Mississauga’s International Centre. “My team and I will be front and centre at the Toronto Golf & Travel show, and I hope people stop by to share golf stories. My team will be wearing official Graeme Kirkland branded golf attire. We also have top name brand Graeme Kirkland ‘Official Investment Partner’ merchandise such as golf balls, golf shirts, glass cleaners and more which we may give away throughout the show.”

Graeme could be called the “Superfan” of the annual Toronto Golf & Travel Show.

“Attending the annual Toronto Golf Show gives people a chance to meet golfers from all over and to learn about the many different global golf courses which are showcased at the event. Attendees can also improve their game by visiting a golf pro. A lot of people are nuts about equipment and the show is an opportunity to see the latest and greatest state-of-the-art golf equipment or to buy used equipment. When the snow is flying or it’s cold in February, what better place is there to be than indoors at the Golf Show talking about, and being close to golf?!”

For more information visit

Linkedin/Meta (Facebook): Graeme R. Kirkland, CIM

Instagram: GKirklandWealth

X: GKirklandWealth

Phone: 647-479-6980


Friday January 30th – Noon to 7pm
Saturday January 31st – 10am to 5pm
Sunday February 1st – 10am to 4pm


International Centre
6900 Airport Rd. Hall 5
Mississauga ON L4V 1E8